a dad ago…

Empty spoons

on plates askance

and a centerpiece

bleeding heart.


A draught

that crept on to my doorstep.

My waterwell

mimicking my heart

that sank below…


A dried maize cob

with a thousand eyes

and as many questions…


Like why the spider

on his magnificent web

was so sad..?

and why

the door hinges



It’s been a dad ago…


The chequered old windows

tirelessly beckon

listless lace curtains




Behind my old

wooden stable

my old horse

wobbly at the knees

and sad-eyed

looks up

towards a patch of sky gone dark…


And my eyes

in a bizzare

treasure hunt

dart around

the simmering courtyard

to find a memory

of a rainy night

my dad died

in autumn leaves

and shriveled carnations.


A hint of damp soil

a trace of moist hope

wafts through the

poignant air…

the lace curtains wake up

ever so gently…


Maybe tonight

i’ll save my horse in

my wooden stable


…Maybe I’ll have dinner tonight


i’ll decorate my dinner table

with spoons

in plates with raised eyebrows

a centerpiece bleeding heart

… and a little

hope on the side…



it’s been a dad ago…


About the Author

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