My Blog

Recipe to make a great picture

1) a caring emotional heart
2)a warm discerning eye
3)a camera or a good camera
(All in that order)
Remember, your heart would have felt the picture even before your eye has seen it. Once the eye sees it, it’ll prod the heart to tell more about it and then the whole feeling will be translated to the camera which will then freeze time till eternity…and all this will happen in less than a second!!
go ahead, wake your heart up
nothing else matters

Got back from the himalayan foray!

Back from the depths of the forest and into the humdrum of a city life after three months is kinda like a cultural shock! But I am glad. Will be posting new pictures shortly. Check out the Nature gallery…

God’s favorite lens is i guess a good macro!

How close you can get to yourself?
Lying belly down in grasslands and wild shrubs with a good macro lens, i found the answer nestled between recesses of a wild plant lost in a sub-himalayan ecosystem. To me, well, it was like god posing for me in a waft of sunlight that appeared suddenly as if on cue! (Still trundling among the himalayan shrubbery!)

give me fuel!

Hi there,
well. here i am sitting pretty with my brand new site! i am gonna keep going… among other things, what i need are your comments–feed back–if you may. in other words, give me fuel!!

Taking pictures in low light!

Sitting here in wilderness in the Himalayas with an overcast sky, I am wondering…too low a light for any good pic…but hold on if you light that lamp within your heart…only if you will, you’ll have ample light, believe me!

Off to a photography expedition

Currently I am on a tour to Kangra, Himachal Pradesh . Plan to share some new photographs soon.

Till then you can look around and enjoy the photographs posted in the portfolio. And if you like my photographs or have something to share do drop in a mail using my contact form.